So finally the issue of gay marriage in the UK has finally "came out" and it has split the British Government indefinitely. The question I ask is "what is actually the genuine problem with gay marriage?" Why has it caused a huge divide amongst the government? Around the world gay marriage is beginning to become legal with French MPs approving the gay marriage bill and the state of Illinois declaring that the Democratic party has enough votes to approve it on the floor of the Illinois Senate but in Britain it seems a long and problematic road away from being finally agreed on.
David Cameron's passion to modernise the Conservative Party and British politics is shown in his support of gay marriage but instead of the mass roars of support he wanted, David Cameron got a rain of disapproval from his MPs. Many Conservative MPs took to the press to vent their anger with the proposition of same-sex marriage, the words of Tim Loughton, Conservative MP for East Worthing and Shoreham, was rather old-fashioned when he stated:
"Who are we, this government or this country, to redefine the term marriage that has meant one man and one woman across cultures, across ages, across geographical barriers since before state and religion themselves?"
This is exactly David Cameron's agenda for modernising British politics, gay marriage is seen as a huge jump in gay equality and for Britain to stand up to the past and present world and be the leading country in making an example. Britain always seem to sit in the shadows of major countries about decisions that can effect the world until a decision has been made, but this gives our country a chance to stand up for what is right and become a shining light for gay people to see hope in.
Some MPs just stood for their own principles like Sir Gerald Howarth, Conservative MP for Aldershot, who admitted that "I am not a Tory moderniser, for I believe that marriage can only be between a man and woman and I shall not surrender my principles. However the Conservative Party aren't all against gay marriage, many MPs supported Cameron and showed the ridiculous nature of being against it. Nick Herbert, Conservative MP for Arundel and South Downs, was especially jocular about the commotion it caused but his point is absolutely right.
Nick Herbert, Conservative MP for Arundel and South Downs: "Are the marriages of millions of straight people about to be threatened because a few thousand gay people are permitted to join? What will they say: 'Darling our marriage is over, Sir Elton John has just got engaged to David Furnish'?"
His argument is something that has no doubt been on the lips of many of the British public in saying that 'what does it actually change?' and the answer is nothing. Gay marriage has been thought upon as some sort of colossal change in Britain but all that will alter is a few more men and women at the 'altar'. Marriage itself is the ultimate sign of love and affection towards two people and yes perhaps the definition of marriage is somewhat different - The formal union of a man and a woman, typically recognized by law, by which they become husband and wife - but the definition itself is as outdated as the MPs who believe it.
So what's next?
Well according to The Independent "the House of Commons voted by a majority of 400 to 175 to redefine marriage and make it available to all." So all is well, hopefully Britain will see gay marriage being made legal sometime in the near future. David Cameron tweeted "Strong views exist on both sides but I believe MPs voting for gay people being able to marry too, is a step forward for our country." However pleasing this may be, Cameron can't fully rest as his party still show signs of their bigit foundations. 139 Tories voted against the notion including two cabinet ministers which in Cameron's eyes shows a lack of support towards the modernisation of British politics and considering this party are at the heart of the government, Cameron may feel like he is battling a losing battle.
Nick Clegg and Ed Miliband took to the press to express their utmost approval of this step forward with both mentioning how this will be looked back upon and seen as a "landmark for equality in Britain". This is a huge step for equality indeed and hopefully countries around the world will see this move as a sign of the future to come.
As for the people it effects the most, gay marriage will hopefully be legalised soon enough for same sex partnerships to enjoy that special day in the confidence that their country isn't secretly frowning upon them and this step in equality will only give more people the confidence to embrace their sexuality and open up to who they really are.
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